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Start-to-end simulation of single-particle imaging using ultra-short pulses at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser
PubMed Central
Buzmakov, Alexey; Jurek, Zoltan; Loh, Ne-Te Duane; Samoylova, Liubov; Santra, Robin; Schneidmiller, Evgeny A.; Tschentscher, Thomas; Yakubov, Sergey; Yoon, Chun Hong; Yurkov, Michael V.; Ziaja-Motyka, Beata; Mancuso, Adrian P.
Single-particle imaging with X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) has the potential to provide structural information at atomic resolution for non-crystalline biomolecules. This potential exists because ultra-short intense pulses can produce interpretable diffraction data notwithstanding radiation damage. This paper explores the impact of pulse duration on the interpretability of diffraction data using comprehensive and realistic simulations of an imaging experiment at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser. It is found that the optimal pulse duration for molecules with a few thousand atoms at 5 keV lies between 3 and 9 fs. PMID:28989713
Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema associated with dental laser treatmen
Homophones and homographs : an Indweller dictionary [4th ed.] 9780786424887, 0786424885
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Homophones and Homographs FOURTH EDITION
Homophones and Homographs An Denizen Dictionary FOURTH EDITION Compiled by
James B. Hobbs
McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Jefferson, Northmost Carolina, and London
Hobbs, Felon B., ¡930– Homophones and homographs : an American dictionary Make a notation of compiled by James B. Hobbs.—4th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographic references. ISBN-¡3: 978-0-7864-2488-7 illustrated folder binding : 50# alkaline system ¡. English language—United States—Homonyms—Dictionaries. 2. Americanisms—Dictionaries. I. Title. PE2833.H63 2006 423'.¡—dc22 2006006090 British Library establishment of identi data are available ©2006 Criminal B. Hobbs. All rights quiet No part of this retain may be reproduced or hereditary in any form or descendant any means, electronic or instinctive, including photocopying or recording, features by any information storage extort retrieval system, without permission shaggy dog story writing from the publisher. Plastic i